About us

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years of experience
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600 Rue du Mrché Rollay, Z.A.C du Plateau, 94500- Champigny Sur Marne. 

Phone: +331 48 98 39 85


Badaro Omar Beyhum -St. Al-Yassamine 6th, Beirut (Lebanon)

Telephone: +961 1 38 98 38


Polígono Industrial PARSI, calle 7, nº3, 41016 Sevilla - Spain. 

Telephone: +34 954 514 500


Unit 3, Stewkley House 2 Wadsworth Road Perivale, London (UK).

Telephone: 07943 081724


Via Pier Carlo Boggio, 41, CAP 12100- Cuneo.


Shipok ul. 2 office 125, 115093, Moscow, Russia. 

Phone: +7 925 007 27 87 / +7(495) 228 00 72



Logistiekstraat 16

7041 KH's-Heerenberg

The Netherlands

info @flexitec.nl


A path of ascent

We started our journey in the lifting and accessibility industry in 1975. From the very beginning we specialised in the field of hydraulics, but today we also offer traction and VVV F solutions.

From the very beginning we embarked on a path of ascent guided by very clear objectives: research, development and a comprehensive customer service concept that extends from initial advice to after-sales service. As a result of this policy, we have a strong and prominent position in the global market. Currently, 70% of the total production volume is destined for international markets as the products we manufacture in Hidral are present in more than 120 countries. Immersed in an ambitious internationalisation project, we currently have more than 30,000 m² spread over two factories in Seville (Spain) and other facilities in Russia, France, the Middle East, the United Kingdom and Italy.

The opening of new markets is further consolidating our position in the sector, allowing us to offer better services to our customers and to maintain competitive prices through our own manufactured products.


Technical development of new products

With an R+D+i team of more than 25 people, equipped with the latest technology in creation, verification and monitoring instruments, we are pioneers in terms of security and reliability. 

Our experienced engineers are responsible for research and innovation in new materials and technical solutions, as well as for ensuring that each project is customised and meets the specific needs of our customers from all over the world on a daily basis. 


Receipt of materials

Having loyal, reliable and demanding suppliers, both in terms of delivery time and quality controls, does not relieve us of our responsibility to measure and check all the items we are supplied with. Our modern facilities are the perfect place to subject them to all kinds of tests and verifications that allow us a thorough and accurate supervision of all our materials.

Inspection of production

Our responsibility and high quality standards require us to carry out exhaustive controls during and after the production of our products. This means that we carefully inspect every single step from the moment the raw material enters the factory until it is installed and checked at every single inspection point. 

Our customers rely on a security that goes beyond the maximum required in the sector, this is thanks to the fact that our technical staff has the highest qualification and technology to carry out all types of tests. 
