Hidral has an Ethics Channel, which allows us to report any incident or irregularity of potential importance that could be contrary to the provisions of our Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Thanks to this platform, and with your responsible collaboration, we can detect if behaviour that contravenes our principles is taking place.
The purpose of this channel is to detect conduct contrary to the law, principles or the Company's ethical and good governance rules, and we therefore encourage employees, customers, suppliers or any person who has contact with our services to report such incidents to us.
If your communication is related to Hidral, S.A. or to the people or activities carried out by Hidral, S.A., you can communicate it through the Ethical Channel of the website www.hidral.com.
You will then be able to access the form where you can enter all the details about the issue you are concerned about. Try to be as specific as possible about names or departments, people, documents, policies, places, dates, times, etc. For access, you must first agree to the Privacy Policy.
The tool guarantees the confidentiality of communications and the anonymity of the informant at all times. In addition, the investigation process is conducted objectively, independently and with the guarantee of non-retaliation.
It is important to remember that the Ethics Channel only handles communications related to conduct that contravenes Hidral's Code of Ethics and Conduct. For other questions or queries, please contact the customer or employee service channels.
In order to avoid bad practices in the use of the channel, precise criteria will be applied to admit communications and to demand civil, criminal and administrative liability from persons who communicate facts with abuse of rights or in violation of the principle of good faith.
Hidral S.A. has received a grant from the European Union under the Andalusia ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020, funded as part of the EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic (REACT-EU), to compensate the extra energy cost of natural gas and/or electricity to SMEs and self-employed especially affected by the increase in natural gas and electricity prices caused by the impact of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.
All Hidral's products and services are guaranteed by the Certification of the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR). This Certification certifies that Hidral's Quality System is managed, designed and implemented according to the International Standard ISO 9001:2000. It is also an extra guarantee for its customers, who can fully trust its commitment and good work.